It's true. "Psst," the TV seems to say "Pat! Over here. Honey, you're a great gal but look at you... You're teeth aren't white enough, you drive a shitty car, your hair don't smell good and your perfume is cheap! You gotta do something about the beer you like, because no one interesting and fun will want to hang out with you! I think you might be depressed, tried this pill or two, or three... Why are you sniveling? Allergies? Take better care of yourself girl, you stink! Haven't you heard of deodorant? Also, you could stand to lose a few pounds. Of course there's nothing wrong with your hair, but you're sure you wouldn't rather be blonde? Oooh! A nice vacation on the beach, that would be lovely! I bet if you asked your credit card company to give you a bigger credit margin you could fly away!"
I have enough insecurities, I don't need a TV to remind me of my ineptitude. But I do use the TV to watch movies. I don't have enough free time these days to do so, but I promise myself I will make the time. Maybe I should start listing the movies I've watched lately. I can't list music because I'm on a talk radio streak right now. I used to be a full-fledged nipper*, but ever since I went back to school, I'm too poor to answer their pledge drive pleas. I do listen to my local college radios. Well two in particular. They're great and keep me up to date musically.
Talking about music, you know what I've been longing for lately? It's so strange... Three Mustaphas Three. Their music is very difficult to describe... It's an eclectic bland of world beat: Balkan, North-African, tzigane, soca or even jazz... oh boy! They are a great live show to catch. They had everybody hopping and bopping! I don't know if they're still together or if they perform. Here's a link where you can get a taste.
I think I will try and get their CD. I will have to break down and pay the horrendous import price though. I think if you listened to them, you could fall in love with them (if you haven't already).
* nipper: person addicted to National Public Radio (NPR).

It is so very cold today. I did not leave the house and refused to shovel. I will pay for it tomorrow. But by then, it'll be another day.
Oh, the boats are covered with white frost,
The rising sun clears the fog on the lake
The houses are still so calm on the coast,
though the water-birds are already singing.
The crows croak on top of the trees,
Under the sun, people stamp wheat in the fields
How warm and peaceful is today in winter!
The small flowers come back in full bloom.
Suddenly, a storm comes and a rain shower comes down.
So the darkness comes earlier and we know it is dusk.
If the lights go on in the small houses,
we know people live here in the country hamlet.
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